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Главная » Файлы » Иностранные языки » Албанский язык

Husić G. Albanian Verb Dictionary And Manual
[ Скачать с сервера (459.7 Kb) ] 14.02.2012, 00:17
  University of Kansas Libraries, 2002, PDF ed. 2008. - 234 p.


The goal of this work is to serve as a tool for students of standard Albanian, based on the Tosk
dialect, providing a ready-reference source to the complete conjugation in all tenses and moods of
many of the most common verbs in their standard forms. This work was prompted by frustration
caused by trying to construct the complete conjugations of Albanian verbs according to the available Albanian grammars and dictionaries [see Bibliography]. Many grammars present elaborate
classification schemes for Albanian verbs according to conjugation type, which is very helpful for
understanding the dynamics of the changes in verb stems and endings. However, Mann and Çamaj both base these patterns primarily on Geg forms, while making references to the Tosk (the current standard). This, of course, becomes confusing for anyone attempting to use these grammars to learn what is now considered the standard.
Furthermore, in these two grammars, as well as in Newmark (which does use standard forms)
verb patterns and their associated tenses and moods are spread over many pages, with notes on exceptional forms not always conspicuous. Çamaj's extensive notes on Old Albanian and Arberësht forms make it difficult to locate standard forms at a glance. Eintrei is somewhat better in respect to ease of usage, however it exists only in Russian. With no exaggeration, it occasionally requires thumbing through all four grammars and several dictionaries to arrive at the complete conjugation of some verbs, and even at that point there are often lingering doubts spawned by certain conflicting information, due to heretofore unsettled issues in standardization, even in sources going by the standard. It is my hope that this manual will be a useful tool in mastering the Albanian verb.
Категория: Албанский язык | Добавил: colnechnaya | Теги: Husić G. Albanian Verb Dictionary A
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